elke lucas

Elke’s journey into pottery began when she became a part of a family of English potters at Welcombe Pottery on the North Devon coast. This marriage not only connected her to a pottery tradition but also revealed her natural talent for working with clay. She served her apprenticeship in the immersive environment of a functional pottery studio, where years of dedication were poured into honing her skills in throwing, creating glazes and refining techniques. This hands-on education taught her that becoming an accomplished potter takes time and devotion.

In 2012, Elke took her skills to Australia, where she established her pottery studio in the picturesque surf town of Noosa. Here, she focused on making wheel-thrown porcelain and stoneware, with an emphasis on functionality.

Her journey eventually brought her back to Devon, where she now works in a studio in Northam. Drawing inspiration from the surrounding landscape and natural forms, Elke’s pottery retains a sense of simplicity and elegance. She uses natural oxides to add minimal decoration, allowing the quality of the clay and the graceful shapes to take centre stage. The result is pottery that is a joy to use and embodies a sense of understated sophistication and quiet beauty.